In a society people have some major expectations from a marriage life. The married couple is expected to have sexual intercourse (marriage being the only legalised outlet for sexual release), beget children and raise a family as soon as possible.
We all take for granted that every married couple will be able to have sexual intercourse without any difficulty. We think that there is no need to educate the bridal couple and that they will manage to have sex automatically if they are sent into the bedroom on the nuptial night. But in reality, it is not easy. While it is true that the sexual urge or drive is instinctual and spontaneous, the sexual behaviour (including the sexual act) is not instinctual but learned. Couples may experience difficulty in performing the sexual act on the first day or night after the marriage. Some face problems later in life, even after a period of non-problematic sex life.
Sexual problems, irrespective of the causative factors, frequently cause serious psychological problems such as hostility between the marital partners and even complete breakdown of the marriage itself. Male Sexual dysfunction can have a profound impact on a man's life affecting his self image and confidence, his sense of manhood. It can shatter a young couple's life by affecting their Sexual Procreative and Marital fulfillment and often results in unconsummated marriages, infertility and divorce.
Premature ejaculation is a lack of control over ejaculation so that it often happens sooner than the man or his partner would want. There are a variety of treatments, including exercises, therapy and drugs.
Problems with getting or keeping an erection is known as impotence or erectile dysfunction. It used to be thought that impotence was psychological (anxiety) in origin but now we know that many cases are caused by a physical problem, such as heart disease or diabetes. Treatments include drugs administered orally or into the penis, vacuum devices, counseling or implants, sometimes in combination.
The desire for sex varies enormously from one individual to the next, and even within the same individual depending on circumstances. Unless your sex drive is causing problems or concern, there is no need to seek professional help.
Retarded or delayed ejaculation is when a man takes too long to climax, causing problems with his sexual performance.
Men with diabetes are at a higher risk of impotence, especially if the diabetes is not well controlled. Men who notice a change in sexual functioning should consult their doctor to determine the cause and discuss treatment options.
Most people now know tobacco contributes to serious lung disease, heart disease and some cancers - but they may not realise it can also affect their sexual and reproductive health as well. Doctors specialising in male impotence now say that smoking is one of the reasons why many men become impotent when they are middle aged and older.
The treatment strategies include:
Some patients believe medication will solve their problems.
When the problem is due to psychological or emotional causes like performance anxiety, fear of failure, guilt, poor self-esteem, poor interpersonal communication, sexual ignorance etc.
People with sexual problems can best help themselves, if they have an open mind and allow the doctor to decide upon the most suitable method of treatment for them. Those who approach the doctor, with a preconceived notion, that medicines are the only answer, will achieve very little.