As we have already written in our First Book that on account of Legal processing not yet completed the Registration and Attestation of the B.E.M.S., Certificate cannot be done. This Certificate will be valid for running your own clinic or for joining a Private Hospital's services. Whatever was written in the Book has been clearly clarified, whatever written matter is therehas been written with referance to the law. However the Central GOvernment Department of Health has recognized this system in writing in the year 2010. As such whoever has studied in this institution and ahs passed the Examination of the Board and had got the Certificate. His/her Certificate is being attested by the Central GOvernment GAD Department. Since 2011 many persons have got their Certificated attested. Thet can avail the GAD Serial Number from this Institute. You Know very well that agetr getting GAD attestation the Certificate get valid as a recognized certificate. Now after getting the GAD attestation you can serve in Foreign countries also. Now after theis attestation you are eligible for appearing in the M.O.H. Exam, and throughout India, wherever the people are residing you may un your Hospital/Clinic withou any fear or any danger.
Note:- To go in the M.B.C of another country I.D. Card is demanded to be shown, on such occasions our students may enter after showing the I.D. CARD issued to you by the Jauhar Medical College,Futher the B.E.M.S Certificate issued by our Board its Xerox Copy is deposited in the Government GAD Depatment and its xerox copy is also deposited through an Advocate in the Saudi M.B.C