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Spagyric Essence


Spagyric Essence is a natural method of health care based on medicinal plants. The word “Spagyric” refers to the separation, purification, cohobotion and recombination process during which an essence is produced. Any dangerous components are entirely eliminated during manufacture. Spagyric essences are totally harmless, with no known side effects and do not interfere with any other treatments that the patient might be taking simultaneously. The method of preparation gives the essences an energetic dimension. The major difference between homeopathy and Spagyric is that the preparation process of both remedies is different. Homeopathy enhances the potential of the remedy by successive dilutions and vigorous shaking; in Spagyric the strength of the remedy is increased though the specific preparation process, and not by dilutions.

Jauhar Medical College of Electro Homeopathy
  • 1. B.E.M.S
  • 2. M.D
  • 3. D.E.H.M.
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  • 1. D.E.H.M.
  • 2. B.E.M.S
  • 3. M.D.E.H