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Information about cancer treatment, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, clinical trials, proton therapy, complementary medicine, and cutting edge technologies.

Biologic Therapy

The Basics learn about this exciting treatment which works by helping the immune system to function better by using substances that occur naturally in your body to fight cancer.

Bone Marrow Transplants

Support and information for bone marrow, peripheral blood stem cell, and cord blood transplant patients.


Information about chemotherapy treatment, drugs and side effects. Includes an overview of the treatment process and OncoLink Rx, a list of teaching sheets about chemotherapy drugs.

Clinical Trials

Tools to help empower cancer patients to evaluate research studies for which they may be eligible. Includes the OncoLink/EmergingMed Clinical Trials Matching Service, which encourages patients to seek out and consider clinical trials for the treatment of their cancer.

Complementary Medicine

A guide to help you navigate the realm of complementary and alternative medicine with tips and warnings on treatments such as herbals, vitamins, chemicals, diet, meditation, massage, acupuncture, and body-mind therapy.

Gene Therapy

Find out how researchers are trying to use this cutting edge therapy in an attempt to boost the immune system and improve the body's natural ability to fight cancer.

General Treatment Concerns

Tips from physicians on how to communicate with your cancer care team and make informed decisions about your care.

Hormone Therapy

Support and information about the various hormonal therapies used to treat many types of cancer.

PDT Center

Introductory information concerning photodynamic therapy (PDT) a novel cancer treatment which works by exposing a photosensitizing drug to specific wavelengths of light to kill cancer cells.

Proton Therapy

Proton therapy is an advanced form of radiation therapy that is currently in use at a limited number of centers worldwide. Protons are different from conventional radiation because the beam can significantly reduce normal tissue exposure to excess radiation. The following sections will help explain both the promise and limitations of this technology.

Radiation Oncology

Information about radiation therapy and treatment side effects. Includes an overview of the treatment process.

Surgical Oncology

Support and information about the various surgical procedures used to treat many types of cancer.

Targeted Therapies

A cutting edge technology that deals with drugs which target specific pathways in the growth and development of tumors.

Vaccine Therapies

One of the more complex topics in cancer treatment and one of the most rapidly changing fields of cancer research.

Jauhar Medical College of Electro Homeopathy
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