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Welcome Jauhar Medical College of Electro Homeopathy

The Jauhar Medical College of Electro Homeopathy is established at Hyderabad city, Andhra Pradesh, With the main aim to serve the humanity. The college is situated in hyderabad and has all the infrastructural facilities such as well furnushed class rooms, a splendid library, laboratory, etc. Struggle is the guarantee of sucess in this busy period so may people who have the interest about medical profession and some times due to lack of money inspite of efforts could not fullfil the passions. Therefore we started a correspondence course to fuifill your will with moderate expecters, you can participate and women also can take part sitting in their homes without limit of age. Jauhar Medical College of Electro Homeopathic will complete the course and will arrange for Exam.

Jauhar Clinic :

Thus the electropathy system is the most natural and scientific method of treatment which enables to restore the health of the patient quickly, gently and permanently Electropathy or Electro homeopathy is an integral part of the Alternative System of Medicine. It is natural, harmless, simple, unique, non-toxic, non alcoholic and no side effects whatsoever. Besides it is rather cheap and affordable to all sections of the society.

As the new millennium opens up undreamed of exciting marvels in technology, humanity leaps forward to reach moon & mars. Unfortunately, their ailments, disorders, disabilities, & diseases also leap forward with multiple intensity. The modern medicine is in the crossroads today unable to answer diverse range of human ailments, while the world is entering the new millennium with a rapidly changing socio-economic system. Through out the world at this juncture, men & women are turning towards alternative systems of medicine, in search of answers to their sufferings.

Jauhar Clinic steps in here to fill in the void, to cure the incurable through "Electro Homeopathy " – an unique system of medicine, recognized worldwide. There are numerous doctors, physician, practitioners & healers to treat every common ailment.

Sex entertainments are there but sex ailments & their cures are not touched upon much.

‘ Jauhar Clinic’ with the social consciousness & human consideration to give awareness & assistance in curing the potent sexual disorders & disease- thus pave the way for a meaningful life of health & happiness. Using herbs in the treatment of diseases & rejuvenate body systems dated back to the earliest periods of known human history. Even herbs & plants are credited with mystical & super natural powers of healing & revitalizing body systems. Our unique treatments are based & backed by eminent Doctor with traditional knowledge, hundreds of years long hereditary expertise and ceaseless effort of research.

According to our Doctor today Electro Homeopathy system identified nearly 35000 herbs & plants from which evolved many successful remedies.

Our founder an outstanding Doctor physician & researcher Doctor M.S.Hussain championed the cause of Electro Homeopathy in the sourthen parts of India and brought the benefit of Electro Homeopathy to the doorstep of common men to retrieve the masses from sufferings. This tradition & hereditary knowledge & expertise is the backbone of ‘Jauhar Clinic’ herbal alternative clinic.

D.E.H.M / B.E.M.S Courses and practice is legalised. The D.H.O or S.E.M.O is not authorised to interfear into the matter of practice of Doctor.
Jauhar Medical College of Electro Homeopathy
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